Operating since 2000, ABCON Plc – Research & Consulting House - has now earned nearly sixteen years of experiences providing consultancy services to a number of governmental and international organizations in development projects financed by the World Bank, USAID, SNV, and EU.
By grounding its service delivery approach in mixed research paradigms and methods – quantitative and qualitative - ABCON’s Research & Development Unit has successfully rolled out a number of national and regional research and consultancy projects transcending a diverse of disciplines of, social & economic interventions, gender, educational, marketing, development of micro and small businesses for youth and women, and IEC/BCC research and evaluation, as well as projects varying in complexity from baseline to end-line evaluation, regional & nation-wide surveys conducted either at household level or institutional levels
As a multi-disciplinary consulting firm, ABCON Plc aspires to take the lead in the consulting industry by providing value-driven andcontextually relevant professional services.
At ABCON Plc, we consistently work to ensure excellent customer services, take every opportunity to deliver quality, and honour our commitment to our clients with integrity, respect to people, and professionalism.
* Create an unrivalled environment for superior talent.
* Govern ourselves through a values-driven partnership.
* Serve our clients as advisory counselors for their success by adhering to the highest professional standards.
* Deliver the best of the firm to every client by developing tailor business solutions to fit their peculiarity.
We design structured research tools (questionnaires) to find out how many people hold a particular view, think or act in a particular way. We have carried out a wide variety of quantitative surveys ranging from small-scale projects conducted at institutional level in a given town to large-scale household surveys covering all regional states in Ethiopia .
We often advise our clients to adopt mixed research paradigm in which a quantitative research designed is supplemented by qualitative researcher in order to enrich the quantitative findings and usefully put them in context. Alternatively, we use a qualitative research design to help us explore an area of inquiry and to set the context for more in-depth quantitative research design. In either cases, ABCON has experienced key informant interviewers as well as focus group discussion (FGD) moderators, facilitators, and transcribers.
ABCON has one of the largest CAPI (computer assisted personal interviewing) enabled field forces in virtually every major cities and towns of Ethiopia. Connected to FTP server at our Data and Statistical Services (DSS), we generate quantitative data using GPS enabled smart mobile phones and tablets Thus far, our field teams conducted more than 250,000 interviews with consumers, citizens, stakeholders and other elite audiences in urban and rural part of Ethiopia.
Depending on the context of the study, we advise our clients on how to draw representative samples from a target population to which they make inferences and statistical projections. Every single quantitative research project commissioned ABCON has benefited from our sample design expertise.
Determining the minimum sample size for a quantitative research is vital if the results are to be generalized to the target population. We seriously take the parameters of each study in calculating the minimum as well as optimum sample sizes simultaneously considering the budget and time our clients have.
Where a particular study involves Paper-pen Assisted Personal Interviewing (PAPI), the team of data editors, data entry clerks, data entry supervisors, and data managers at our DSS Unit are always at the forefront to deliver high quality data processing. The DSS Unit is equipped with state of the art statistical applications and a set of net worked desk top and lap top computers used to process a large amount quantitative data.
Our market research experts are graduates of UK’s renowned business schools, and have extensive background experience in designing market research – knowledge, attitude and practice (KAP) studies, Product Testing, Customer Satisfaction Studies, Pricing Research, Test Marketing (distribution channel checks, Sales unit performance, consumer behaviors).
We offer an integrated services to help organization overhaul the way they structure their activities and do business. Our OD approach is grounded in systematic inquiry. Through observation, research, and interviews, our organizational development consultants analyzes the corporate culture of an organization and identify whether CHANGE is required in strategy, structure, and human resources.
Performance management is one area of expertise ABCON can offer. We help organization’s align their activities, business processes with their organizational objectives and missions through either the Balanced Score Card or Performance Prism for private sector manufacturers and service providers. Alternatively, we have hands-on experience of Public Sector Score Cards.